Accredited Membership Application
If you wish to join the DJAA as an Accredited Member or upgrade from General Membership Level, then it is as simple as:
- downloading and completing the appropriate Accredited Member Application Form (AU or NZ),
- completing the form below,
- uploading the completed Application Form and all required documentation, images etc,
- submit the form and attachments,
- select your payment option, and
- process your payment.
Accredited Member Application Form Download
Please download the Accredited Member Application Form for your respective country (AU or NZ) in your preferred format (PDF or MS Word) by selecting the appropriate button below:
What happens after you submit your Application?
You will be granted provisional access to Accredited Member areas of the website, however no other benefits which are applicable to Accredited members will be available until the Application Review Process has been completed and your membership is approved.
In the unlikely event that your Accredited Membership is not approved, every assistance will be given to help you meet the membership criteria. If for some reason, the criteria is unable to be currently met, the following applies; (a) if you are a new DJAA applicant, you may elect to join as a General Member or if you are currently a General Member, then difference in the Membership Fee paid, will be refunded. or (b) if you are a new DJAA applicant and do not wish to join as a General Member, the total Accredited Membership Fee paid, will be refunded. In both cases provisional access to Accredited Member areas, will be discontinued on refund.
We look forward to having you as part of the DJAA as an Accredited Member!!