Self Care & Avoiding Burnout for DJs & MCs

27 Sep 2024

DJ & MC Self Care

During peak seasons, DJs and MCs often face long hours, multiple events, and physical as well as mental demands. Self-care is crucial to maintain energy, enthusiasm, and performance quality. Here are some practical tips:

1. Plan Your Schedule Wisely

  • Pace Yourself: Avoid overloading your calendar. Leave room for breaks and downtime between events.
  • Prioritise Recovery Time: Block off time for rest and recovery after particularly intense weekends.
  • Set Boundaries: Learn to say “no” when your schedule is full, even if it’s tempting to take on more gigs.

2. Stay Physically Healthy

  • Hydrate: Bring water to every event and stay hydrated throughout your performance. Dehydration can cause fatigue and affect your performance.
  • Stretching & Movement: Take short breaks to stretch or move around during long gigs to prevent stiffness.
  • Sleep: Aim for quality sleep, especially after late-night events. Consider power naps if you have back-to-back gigs.
  • Healthy Eating: Pack healthy snacks (fruits, nuts, protein bars) to maintain your energy. Avoid too much caffeine or sugary foods that may lead to energy crashes.

3. Mental and Emotional Well-being

  • Mindful Relaxation: Practice mindfulness, meditation, or breathing exercises to calm your mind after an event.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate your wins. Positive self-talk helps keep spirits high during a busy period.
  • Disconnect: Schedule time to disconnect from work (social media, emails) to recharge mentally.

4. Delegate and Automate

  • Outsource Tasks: If possible, delegate non-essential tasks like social media posting, admin work, or post-event follow-ups.
  • Use Tools: Use planning and automation tools for music prep, invoicing, and communication to reduce workload.

5. Stay Organised

  • Pack Essentials in Advance: Have your gear and backups ready before the event to reduce stress on the day.
  • Create Checklists: Use checklists to ensure nothing is forgotten, from equipment to outfit, to snacks, reducing the mental load before events.

6. Seek Support and Community

  • Talk to Fellow DJs/MCs: Share experiences and challenges with others in the industry. A strong support network can help alleviate stress.
  • Connect with Family/Friends: Ensure you’re making time to connect with loved ones, even during peak season, to keep your emotional balance.

By incorporating these self-care practices, DJs and MCs can sustain their energy and ensure they’re performing at their best during the busiest times of the year.

DJ & MC Self Care
DJ & MC Mental Health

Recognising & Avoiding Burnout

Recognising the signs of burnout is crucial for DJs and MCs, especially during peak seasons, to avoid long-term negative effects on health and performance. Burnout can affect both physical and mental well-being, so here’s how to identify it and ways to address it:

Signs of Burnout

7. Physical Signs

  • Chronic Fatigue: Feeling constantly exhausted, even after rest.
  • Frequent Illness: Lowered immune system leading to colds, headaches, or other health issues.
  • Sleep Issues: Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or feeling unrested even after sleep.
  • Body Aches and Pains: Persistent muscle tension, backaches, or headaches.

8. Emotional Signs

  • Irritability: Feeling more easily frustrated or irritated by small things.
  • Feeling Detached: A sense of disconnection from work, colleagues, or even clients.
  • Loss of Enthusiasm: Once enjoyable work starts to feel like a burden.
  • Cynicism: Negative outlook towards events, clients, or the industry in general.

9. Mental Signs

  • Difficulty Concentrating: Struggling to focus on tasks or make decisions.
  • Forgetfulness: Missing deadlines, forgetting equipment, or important details.
  • Indecision: Feeling overwhelmed by choices or decisions that used to be easy.
  • Decreased Performance: Noticing that the quality of your work is declining.

Addressing Burnout

10. Acknowledge the Issue

  • Recognise and accept that you are experiencing burnout. Denial can prolong the problem and worsen symptoms.
  • Speak openly with trusted colleagues, friends, or family about what you’re feeling.

11. Take Time Off

  • Prioritise Rest: Schedule time off between gigs to recharge. It might mean saying no to new bookings temporarily, but it’s crucial for long-term health.
  • Unplug from Work: Completely disconnect from work-related activities (emails, social media, event planning) during downtime to give your mind a full break.

12. Re-evaluate Workload and Practices

  • Delegate: If possible, delegate tasks such as administrative work, sound checks, or setup to others.
  • Automate: Use software to streamline tasks like invoicing, contracts, or playlist curation, reducing manual workload.
  • Balance Commitments: Reassess your schedule and avoid overcommitting during peak periods.
DJ & MC Help

13. Seek Support

  • Professional Help: Consider talking to a therapist or counsellor who can help you manage stress and emotions.
  • Peer Support: Join DJ/MC communities or networks where you can share experiences and get advice from others who understand the pressures of the job.
  • Mentorship: Reach out to mentors or industry veterans who can offer guidance on maintaining balance.

14. Practice Self-care

  • Exercise Regularly: Physical activity helps reduce stress and boost energy levels.
  • Mindfulness/Meditation: Engage in mindfulness or relaxation techniques to help reduce anxiety and keep your mental state in check.
  • Healthy Eating and Hydration: Prioritise nutritious meals and proper hydration to maintain physical health, even during busy times.

15. Rediscover Your Passion

  • Reconnect with Your Why: Remind yourself of the reasons you love your work. Reflecting on past successful events or fulfilling interactions with clients can reignite your passion.
  • Diversify Your Interests: Engage in hobbies or creative projects outside of work to bring new energy and excitement to your daily life.

16. Set Realistic Goals

  • Avoid perfectionism by setting achievable and realistic goals for each event or task. Break larger tasks into smaller, manageable ones to avoid overwhelm.

17. Review and Revise Your Routine

  • Work-Life Balance: Ensure you are maintaining a balance between work and personal life.
  • Regular Check-ins: Periodically assess your mental and physical state to catch signs of burnout early. Adjust your routine if needed.

By recognising these signs early and taking proactive steps, DJs and MCs can prevent burnout from spiralling and maintain a healthier, more sustainable approach to their careers ensuring continued success and longevity.

This post was contributed by Serge Olivieri. Serge is an Accredited Member of the Alliance and currently serves on the DJAA Committee, is based in Sydney, New South Wales and runs DJ:Plus! Entertainment.